10 January 2019

NAVER and NAVER LABS to Demo Advanced AI, Robotics Technologies at CES and the Pepcom Digital Experience!; Business Wire

From autonomous robots to HD mapping to infotainment and machine vision systems, NAVER LABS is transforming digital life for people and companies around the world.
3 December 2018

Une trentaine de chaires en vue pour Grenoble sur l’IA; Les Echos

3 December 2018

Un nouveau label en IA pour les centres de recherche et de formation; Les Echos

29 August 2018

컴퓨터가 ‘이순신이 영웅인 이유’를 답할 수 있을까? Can computers explain the reason why Sun-sin Yi (Korean Admiral) is considered as hero?;

9 August 2018

All about artificial intelligence; SISAIN

11 July 2018

L’intelligence artificielle à l’heure d’été; Les Echos

Les Echos An article in one of the best-selling daily newspaper in France: “Artificial intelligence in summer time”. The article highlights two important artificial intelligence […]
4 April 2018

L’Institut PRAIRIE, une volonté de fédérer des leaders scientifiques et industriels de l’intelligence artificielle; ActuIA

4 April 2018

IA : l’institut Prairie au service de la recherche et des industriels; LesNumeriques

4 April 2018

Qu’est-ce-que PRAIRIE, le nouvel institut de recherche sur l’IA ?; L’Usine Digitale

L’Usine Digitale
7 February 2018

​Xiaomi partners with Naver in AI for IoT devices; ZEDNet


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